Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 2012 - Joseph Pinto, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam, owes to Jan Jansz. van Laer, silk-cloth merchant in Amsterdam, 569 guilders according to a verdict of the Court of Holland. He therefore transfers to Van Laer two policies concerning goods that were loaded for a journey from Rio de Janeiro to Porto in the ship Nossa Senhora da Pedacruz, of skipper Manuel Pires or Manuel Fernandes and in the ship Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem , of skipper Balthasar Fernandes. One of these policies was underwritten for Pinto by Jan Stassaert, the other by Pieter van Gheel and David de FHommel, each for 150 pounds Flemish. He further transfers everything he owns, among which a sum of 15 pounds Flemish that Henrico Zacuto promised to pay him for an average statement on the ship of Lucas Mendes. Besides the said sum of 569 guilders, Van Laer can also recover 70 guilders of due interest and the costs of the legal proceedings.En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Ro

Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P.
Nr. 2012 - Joseph Pinto, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam, owes to Jan Jansz. van Laer, silk-cloth merchant in Amsterdam, 569 guilders according to a verdict of the Court of Holland. He therefore transfers to Van Laer two policies concerning goods that were loaded for a journey from Rio de Janeiro to Porto in the ship Nossa Senhora da Pedacruz, of skipper Manuel Pires or Manuel Fernandes and in the ship Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem , of skipper Balthasar Fernandes. One of these policies was underwritten for Pinto by Jan Stassaert, the other by Pieter van Gheel and David de FHommel, each for 150 pounds Flemish. He further transfers everything he owns, among which a sum of 15 pounds Flemish that Henrico Zacuto promised to pay him for an average statement on the ship of Lucas Mendes. Besides the said sum of 569 guilders, Van Laer can also recover 70 guilders of due interest and the costs of the legal proceedings.En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Ro
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Nr. 2012 - Joseph Pinto, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam, owes to Jan Jansz. van Laer, silk-cloth merchant in Amsterdam, 569 guilders according to a verdict of the Court of Holland. He therefore transfers to Van Laer two policies concerning goods that were loaded for a journey from Rio de Janeiro to Porto in the ship Nossa Senhora da Pedacruz, of skipper Manuel Pires or Manuel Fernandes and in the ship Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem , of skipper Balthasar Fernandes. One of these policies was underwritten for Pinto by Jan Stassaert, the other by Pieter van Gheel and David de FHommel, each for 150 pounds Flemish. He further transfers everything he owns, among which a sum of 15 pounds Flemish that Henrico Zacuto promised to pay him for an average statement on the ship of Lucas Mendes. Besides the said sum of 569 guilders, Van Laer can also recover 70 guilders of due interest and the costs of the legal proceedings.En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã.Vol. 16, No. 1 (MARCH 1982), pp. 61-84.
