Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 1944 - Gomes Pinel, merchant in Amsterdam, authorizes Manuel Rodrigues Lamego in Lisbon to collect money from Antonio Henriques de Lima in Brazil, concerning the sale of a piece of multi-coloured silk and one share that Pinel owns of the ship Nossa Señora de Remedios de Palma of skipper Antonio Gonsalves de Matozinhos and mate Antonio Pires de Matozinhos, for all journeys made by this ship. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 16, No. 1 (MARCH 1982), pp. 61-84.

Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P.
Nr. 1944 - Gomes Pinel, merchant in Amsterdam, authorizes Manuel Rodrigues Lamego in Lisbon to collect money from Antonio Henriques de Lima in Brazil, concerning the sale of a piece of multi-coloured silk and one share that Pinel owns of the ship Nossa Señora de Remedios de Palma of skipper Antonio Gonsalves de Matozinhos and mate Antonio Pires de Matozinhos, for all journeys made by this ship. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 16, No. 1 (MARCH 1982), pp. 61-84.
Dados da publicação: 

Nr. 1944 - Gomes Pinel, merchant in Amsterdam, authorizes Manuel Rodrigues Lamego in Lisbon to collect money from Antonio Henriques de Lima in Brazil, concerning the sale of a piece of multi-coloured silk and one share that Pinel owns of the ship Nossa Señora de Remedios de Palma of skipper Antonio Gonsalves de Matozinhos and mate Antonio Pires de Matozinhos, for all journeys made by this ship. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 16, No. 1 (MARCH 1982), pp. 61-84.

Personagens referenciados:
Total: 1
Personagens introduzidos a partir desta obra
Paulo de Pina (Gomes Pinel)