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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 351 - Power of attorney of Duarte Fernandes , also in the capacity of trustee of Antonio Rodrigues de Moura and brothers, to Antonio da Costa d* Oliv eira in London, to obtain restitution of sugar that was loaded in the ship the "Bis s chop van Bremen" [ Bishop of Bremen]. 1609, May 25. Not. Arch. 115, fol. 166v-167v., Not. Jan Fransz. Bruyningh. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 5, No. 1 (JANUARY 1971), pp. 106-124.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 351 - Power of attorney of Duarte Fernandes , also in the capacity of trustee of Antonio Rodrigues de Moura and brothers, to Antonio da Costa d* Oliv eira in London, to obtain restitution of sugar that was loaded in the ship the "Bis s chop van Bremen" [ Bishop of Bremen]. 1609, May 25. Not. Arch. 115, fol. 166v-167v., Not. Jan Fransz. Bruyningh. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 5, No. 1 (JANUARY 1971), pp. 106-124.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 349 - Freight contract between Manuel Carvalho and skipper Jan Jansz., from Graft. 1609, May 1582, Not. Arch. 116, fol. 44v.-45., Not. Jan Fransz. Bruyningh. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 5, No. 1 (JANUARY 1971), pp. 106-124.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 349 - Freight contract between Manuel Carvalho and skipper Jan Jansz., from Graft. 1609, May 1582, Not. Arch. 116, fol. 44v.-45., Not. Jan Fransz. Bruyningh. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 5, No. 1 (JANUARY 1971), pp. 106-124.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 726 - Affidavit of Manuel Maciel Aranha, Gonçalo Maciel da Guarda, Hernando de Valencia and Francisco de Caceres concerning the former's surety-ship to the benefit of Gaspar de Acuña. 1614, April 28. Not. Arch. 377a, fol. 148~148v., Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. Deed in Spanish. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 726 - Affidavit of Manuel Maciel Aranha, Gonçalo Maciel da Guarda, Hernando de Valencia and Francisco de Caceres concerning the former's surety-ship to the benefit of Gaspar de Acuña. 1614, April 28. Not. Arch. 377a, fol. 148~148v., Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. Deed in Spanish. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 713 - Abandonment in the name of Fernando Alvares Mello to Pieter van Geel and David de VHommel, insurers, of seized sugar and marmalade loaded in the ship the " Isabella ". 1614, April 2. Not. Arch. 377a, fol. 115 , Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 713 - Abandonment in the name of Fernando Alvares Mello to Pieter van Geel and David de VHommel, insurers, of seized sugar and marmalade loaded in the ship the " Isabella ". 1614, April 2. Not. Arch. 377a, fol. 115 , Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 710 - Deed of conveyance from Hernando de Valencia to Willem Joosten of 14 cases of sugar loaded in the ship the " Orangieboom" . 1614, March 31. Not. Arch. 377a, fol. 112, Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. Deed in Spanish. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 710 - Deed of conveyance from Hernando de Valencia to Willem Joosten of 14 cases of sugar loaded in the ship the " Orangieboom" . 1614, March 31. Not. Arch. 377a, fol. 112, Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. Deed in Spanish. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 704 - Power of attorney from Gabriel Lopes to Lansarotte da Serra and Francisco Rodrigues da Serra to obtain payment from Manuel Lopes from Florence. 1614, March 11. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 704 - Power of attorney from Gabriel Lopes to Lansarotte da Serra and Francisco Rodrigues da Serra to obtain payment from Manuel Lopes from Florence. 1614, March 11. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 697 - Power of attorney from Jeronimo Rodrigues de Sousa, proxy of Manuel de Queirós , to Pieter, Marcus and Matheus de la Palma and Cornelis van de Voorae to reclaim seized sugar. 1614, February 18. Not. Arch. 377, fol. 56-56v.t Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 697 - Power of attorney from Jeronimo Rodrigues de Sousa, proxy of Manuel de Queirós , to Pieter, Marcus and Matheus de la Palma and Cornelis van de Voorae to reclaim seized sugar. 1614, February 18. Not. Arch. 377, fol. 56-56v.t Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 690 - Affidavit of Evert Coenraets concerning a request of Agnes Fernandes to Simão da Vega to accept sugar for her. 1614, February 3. Not. Arch. 377a, fol. 40, Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 690 - Affidavit of Evert Coenraets concerning a request of Agnes Fernandes to Simão da Vega to accept sugar for her. 1614, February 3. Not. Arch. 377a, fol. 40, Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 687 - Notice served in the name of Diogo Nunes Belmonte upon his insurers concerning insured sugar. 1614, January 28. Not. Arch. 254, fol. 108v., Not. Jacob Meerhout. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 687 - Notice served in the name of Diogo Nunes Belmonte upon his insurers concerning insured sugar. 1614, January 28. Not. Arch. 254, fol. 108v., Not. Jacob Meerhout. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 684 - Abandonment in the name of Diogo Nunes Belmonte to his insurers of insured goods loaded in the ship "Bensão de Deus ". 1614, January 22. c Not. Arch. 254 , fol. 109, Not. Jacob Meerhout.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 684 - Abandonment in the name of Diogo Nunes Belmonte to his insurers of insured goods loaded in the ship "Bensão de Deus ". 1614, January 22. c Not. Arch. 254 , fol. 109, Not. Jacob Meerhout.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 683 - Abandonment in the name of Diogo Nunes Belmonte to Roelant Barckman, insurer, of insured goods loaded in the ship "Na. Sra. do Palmar ". 1614, January 21. Not. Arch. 258, fol. 84v.t Not. Jacob Meerhout. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 683 - Abandonment in the name of Diogo Nunes Belmonte to Roelant Barckman, insurer, of insured goods loaded in the ship "Na. Sra. do Palmar ". 1614, January 21. Not. Arch. 258, fol. 84v.t Not. Jacob Meerhout. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 3423 Jochem Jochemsen of Durgerdam, aged 25, makes the following statement at the request of Miguel de Pas, Francisco Coutinho and Francisco Mendes do Porto, Portuguese merchants of Amsterdam. 1626 April 9 Not.Arch. 633, fol. 32V-33V. Not. Sibrant Cornelisz.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 3423 Jochem Jochemsen of Durgerdam, aged 25, makes the following statement at the request of Miguel de Pas, Francisco Coutinho and Francisco Mendes do Porto, Portuguese merchants of Amsterdam. 1626 April 9 Not.Arch. 633, fol. 32V-33V. Not. Sibrant Cornelisz.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 3407 Freight contract between Simão Pinheiro and Manuel Franco de Mesquita. 1626 March 17 Not.Arch. 633, fol. 28-28V. Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 32, No. 1 (1998), pp. 82-94.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 3407 Freight contract between Simão Pinheiro and Manuel Franco de Mesquita. 1626 March 17 Not.Arch. 633, fol. 28-28V. Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 32, No. 1 (1998), pp. 82-94.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 3403 Francisco Lopes Gomes, Portuguese merchant of Amsterdam, aged about 40, makes the following statement at the request of Lopo da Fonseca, also Portuguese merchant of Amsterdam. 1626 February 20 Not. Arch. 392A, fol. 88-88v. Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. Instrument in Portuguese. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 32, No. 1 (1998), pp. 82-94.
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 3403 Francisco Lopes Gomes, Portuguese merchant of Amsterdam, aged about 40, makes the following statement at the request of Lopo da Fonseca, also Portuguese merchant of Amsterdam. 1626 February 20 Not. Arch. 392A, fol. 88-88v. Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. Instrument in Portuguese. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 32, No. 1 (1998), pp. 82-94.
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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 3402 Izak Brazilai, aged 31, Antonio Mendes, aged 28 and Rodrigo Alvares Drago, aged 28, Portuguese merchants, make the following statement at the request of Antonio Henriques Alvin, Portuguese merchant. 1626 February 19 Not.Arch. 392A, fol. 84-84V. Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 32, No. 1 (1998), pp. 82-94.
Número de veces referenciada: 3
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sobre Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 3402 Izak Brazilai, aged 31, Antonio Mendes, aged 28 and Rodrigo Alvares Drago, aged 28, Portuguese merchants, make the following statement at the request of Antonio Henriques Alvin, Portuguese merchant. 1626 February 19 Not.Arch. 392A, fol. 84-84V. Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 32, No. 1 (1998), pp. 82-94.
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