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Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 2613 - Gaspar Martines Тега, 44 years old, and Antonio Gomes da Boda, 26 years old, both from Viana, who were respectively former skipper and mate of the ship A Senhora do Carmo , (this ship was seized on its way from Bahia de todos os Santos to Viana by a Dutch warship and taken to Rotterdam) make the following statement at the request of Thomas Nunes Pina, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam. 1622, April 6. Not. Arch. 646 A, p. 39-41; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 21, No. 1 (MAY 1987), pp. 105-115.

Número de veces referenciada: 5

Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 2499 - Copy of a statement by Jean Darneau from Britany, skipper of the ship A Jeneta (De Genetkat), in which he declares that he received ten cases of sugar from Pedro Rodrigues Moreira in Viana to take them to Calais and deliver them to Leon le Grand at a freight-price of 5 French guilders. 1621, October 1. Not. Arch. 645 B, p. 1607; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 19, No. 2, Proceedings Can Het Symposium over Geschiedenis en Cultuur Can De Joden in de Mediene (OCTOBER 1985), pp. 174-185

Número de veces referenciada: 1

Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 2492 - Diogo da Silva and Manuel Aires, Portuguese merchants inAmsterdam, declare that all sugar that was loaded for their account in Viana in 1621 by Joan Lammers in the ship De Swarte Beer of skipper Heertge Heertges from Enkhuizen, which ship was wrecked with its cargo near Viana, belonged to them and that they took out an insurance for this sugar in Amsterdam in two policies of 800 and 325 pounds Flemish respectively, which policies they handed over to the Insurance Chamber in Amsterdam. 1621, September 8. Not. Arch. 645 B, p. 1330-1331; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 19, No. 2, Proceedings Can Het Symposium over Geschiedenis en Cultuur Can De Joden in de Mediene (OCTOBER 1985), pp. 174-185.

Número de veces referenciada: 3

Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 2491 - Diogo da Silva and Manuel Aires, Portuguese merchants inAmsterdam, declare that all sugar that was loaded for their account in Viana in 1621 by Joan Lammers in the ship De Swarte Beer of skipper Heertge Heertges from Enkhuizen, which ship was wrecked with its cargo near Viana, belonged to them only and that no one else had any share in it. 1621, September 8. Not. Arch. 645 B, p. 1329; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 19, No. 2, Proceedings Can Het Symposium over Geschiedenis en Cultuur Can De Joden in de Mediene (OCTOBER 1985), pp. 174-185.

Número de veces referenciada: 3

Referencia bibliografica Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., No. 2473 - Manuel Fernandes Franco, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam, notifies Hans van Soldt de Jonge and David de l'Hommel, merchants in Amsterdam, who insured goods for him loaded in the ship Nossa Senhora de Peda Cruz of skipper Manuel Pires, for a journey from Lisbon to Bahia, that this ship was seized by two French pirates near the Canary Islands and that he abandons the insured goods to them. 1621, August 11. Not. Arch. 384 В , fol. 504; Not. Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobs. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 19, No. 2, Proceedings Can Het Symposium over Geschiedenis en Cultuur Can De Joden in de Mediene (OCTOBER 1985), pp. 174-185.

Número de veces referenciada: 2