Listado de Referencias Bibliográficas

Mostrando 1326 - 1350 de 1796
ID Autor Título Tipo Asunto Enlaces Archivos
IN-683 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 67 - Power of attorney granted by Manuel Rodrigues Vega to Hendrick Hondebeeck, burgher of Emden, to claim payment from Meyer Salomon and to receive a cargo of goods. 1599, October 29. Not. Arch. 86, fol. 44-44v, Not. Jan Fransz. Bruynin. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 1, No. 2 (JULY 1967), pp. 110-122. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-699 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 153 - Payment agreement between A fonso Fidalgo and Manuel Lopes Homem. 1604, September 16. Not. Arch. 61, fol. 487-489 , Not. David Mostart. Deed in Portuguese. Mentioned by Z wart, p. 153 .En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 3, No. 1 (JANUARY 1969), pp. 113-125. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-716 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 282 - Notice served on Manuel Lopes Pereira in the name of Jeremias Michielsz., confectioner, in connexion with the delivery of poor quality sugar. 1608, August 14. Not. Arch. 264 , fol. 417 v., Not. Frederik van Banchem. Published at length in Van Dillen , Bronnen Vol. I, p. 658 , nr. 1115. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 4, No. 2 (JULY 1970), pp. 243-261. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-735 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 355 " Freight contract between Gaspar Nunes and skipper Eelcke Fetges from Workum. 1609, July 28. Not. Arch. 116 , fol. 173-174, Not. Jan Fransz. Bruynin.En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 5, No. 1 (JANUARY 1971), pp. 106-124. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-751 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 412 - Freight contract between Duarte Fernandes and skipper Jacob Jacobsz. from Ter Schelling 1610, August 26. Not. Arch. 119, fol. 231-232, Not. Jan Fransz. Bruyningh. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 5, No. 1 (JANUARY 1971), pp. 106-124. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-767 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 806 - Notice served in the name of Antonio Gomes de Alcobaça upon Jacob Symonsz. Louw concerning the latter's insurance of goods loaded in the ship "Na. Sra. da Batalha" of skipper Diogo "Faeirevo" for a journey from Bahia de todos os santos to Oporto. 1615, January 20. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 8, No. 1 (JANUARY 1974), pp. 138-145. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-784 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 1969 - Pero Gomes de Lisboa, 26 years old, presently Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam, formerly in Lisbon, makes the following statement at the request of Francisco Fernandes and Manuel Homem Vieira, Portuguese merchants in Amsterdam. In November or December 1615 the ship of skipper Luis Dorego sailed from Lisbon for Pernambuco with goods belonging to Manuel Gomes da Fonseca, Diogo Lopes d'Andrade, Manuel Fernandes Camarvila and other people in Lisbon and to Estevão de Silveira and Antonio Pinto Carnero, brother of Manuel Carnero, living in Madrid. The latter two sailed on the ship. Several months after its departure, he heard that he ship had arived in Santo Domingo, where the cargo was sold at a profit. From there the ship left for Sevilla with hides, sugar and money for the account of the said people and others. Shortly afterwards it was seized by a French captain called Le Livre. The skipper and some merchants, among whom Antonio Pinto Carnero, were beaten to death. Attempts to Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-800 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 906 - Affidavit given by Bartholomew Jaeckes at the request of Jacomo Rodrigues da Costa,2 to the effect that the four cases of white sugar that he bought from Da Costa at 19 gr. Flem. a pound , came from Oporto. At arrival two of the cases appeared to be wet. Because of this and for the tare Da Costa gave a discount of 4£ gr. [Flem. a pound]. 1616, January 13 Not. Arch. 198 , fol. 527-527v., Not. Jan Fransz. Bruyningh. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 10, No. 1 (JANUARY 1976), pp. 95-104. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-816 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. No. 2370 - Luis Dias d'Aguilar, merchant in Viana, sojourning in Amsterdam, declares that he has sold to Leonardo de Beer in Amsterdam 47 cases of sugar, viz. 1621, March 15 Not. Arch. 645 B, p. 1449-1450 ; Not. Sibrant Cornelis. Deed in Portuguese. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 18, No. 2 (SEPTEMBER 1984), pp. 159-176. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-848 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 1045 - Interrogatory with answers of Jan Bauwe, skipper of the ship "Blauwe Duyve", held at the request of Albert Schuyt, Hendrick Thibaut, Manuel Carvalho and Duarte Esteves de Pina. 1616, December 7 Not. Arch. 379 , fol. 628, Not. Nicolaes and Jacob Jacobs. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 10, No. 2 (JULY 1976), pp. 212-231. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-864 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 1074 - Affidavit of Jan Jansz. from Hoorn, skipper of the ship "Romeyn", made at the request of Jeronimo Rodrigues de Sousa, saying that on his last journey from Terceira to Am- sterdam he did not carry any sugar or other goods for De Sousa, but only for his freighter Dirck van Erp. 1616, December 22 Not. Arch. 6 lia, fol. 229v., Not. Pieter Ruttens. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 10, No. 2 (JULY 1976), pp. 212-231. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-880 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 1767 - Manuel Lopes Nunes, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam, stands surety for Francisco de Pas, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam, to the benefit of Ellert Gerritsz. 1619, June 26. Not. Arch. 61 IB, fol. 576; Not. Pieter Ruttens. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 15, No. 1 (MARCH 1981), pp. 143-154. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-896 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. No. 2745 - Diogo Drago, 56 years old, Francisco Mendes Trancoso, 52 years old, Francisco Mendes de Medeiros, 50 years old and Diogo Martins Bondia, 42 years old, Portuguese merchants in Amsterdam, declare at the request of Thomas Nunes Pina, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam, that they know Thomas Nunes Pina well and that they know that his Jewish name is Josua Sarfati. 1622, November 15. Not. Arch. 646 A, p. 310 ; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 22, No. 2 (AUTUMN 1988), pp. 189-196. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-912 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 1614 - Antonio Martins Viegas, acting for himself and as proxy of Diogo Lopes Pinto Fidalgo according to a deed of September 6, 1617 passed before notary Andre Pinto in Porto, makes the following agreement with Pieter van Gheel en Orlando van de Perre concerning 91 cases of sugar loaded in the ships of Gaspar Luis, Manuel Andre, Estevão da Costa and Pantaliao Luis that were seized by the French. 1618, December 20 Not. Arch. 381 B,fol. 557-557v.; Not. Nicolaes Jacobs. Deed in Portuguese. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã.Vol. 14, No. 1 (JANUARY 1980), pp. 79-102. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-928 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 1720 - Francisco Fernandes Castanho, Portuguese merchant who has lived in Amsterdam for quite a long time now, authorizes Abraham Biscop, merchant in Middelburg, to claim from the Admiralty there the goods that had been loaded for Castanho's account by Pedro Gomes de Lisboa in the ship A Señora de Monte de Carmo de Candelaria of skipper Luis Vas de Resinde. 1619, May 14 Not. Arch. 625, p. 213-214; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-944 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 1484 - Upon the request of Diogo da Silva the notary visits Da Silva's warehouse on Vlooienburg and establishes that 3 cases of muscovado sugar, coming from Porto with the ship "Post" of skipper Jan Varelle from Vlissingen, are wet, damaged and partly empty. Jochem Dirxsz., 41 years old, Hans Hendrixsz., 35 years old, and Sijmen Annertsz., 25 years old, labourers and burghers of Amsterdam, declare upon the request of Da Silva that they unloaded these three cases from the said ship. 1618, July 25 Not. Arch. 645 A, p. 227; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 13, No. 2 (JULY 1979), pp. 220-240. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-960 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 1556 - Manuel Lopes Nunes, Diogo Lopes, Francisco da Costa and Antonio Pimentel authorize Henrique Snel and Jacob Belten in Porto to claim from the Inquisition sugar coming from Brazil that had been received by Juan de Leao. Leao has been taken prisoner by the Inquisition. 1618, October 10 Not. Arch. 625, p. 83-84; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. Deed in Portuguese. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 13, No. 2 (JULY 1979), pp. 220-240. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-976 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. No. 2450 - Guiomar Henriques, Portuguese widow of Gabriel Correia, living in Amsterdam, authorizes the widow and heirs of Laurens Bondius in Middelburg, to reclaim 9 1/2 cases of sugar for her from the Admiralty in Middelburg. 621, July 2. Not. Arch. 628,8, p. 342-34; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 19, No. 2, Proceedings Can Het Symposium over Geschiedenis en Cultuur Can De Joden in de Mediene (OCTOBER 1985), pp. 174-185. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-992 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. No. 3325 - David Wachtendonck, 38 years old, sworn broker and Antonio Looff, tobacco merchant, 50 years old, citizens of Amsterdam, make the following statement at the request of Jan van Heijst, merchant in Amsterdam. 1625 June 23. Not. Arch. 764, fol. 21-24; Not. Nicolaes Gerritsz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 30, No. 2 (1996), pp. 304-318. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-1043 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 687 - Notice served in the name of Diogo Nunes Belmonte upon his insurers concerning insured sugar. 1614, January 28. Not. Arch. 254, fol. 108v., Not. Jacob Meerhout. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 7, No. 1 (JANUARY 1973), pp. 116-127. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-1059 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 375 - Affidavit of Rombout Jacobsz. de Jonge, confectionner, at the request of Duarte Fernandes concerning the quality of two cases of sugar. 1610, January 3. Not. Arch. 196, fol. 441, Not. Jan Fransz. Bruyningh. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 5, No. 1 (JANUARY 1971), pp. 106-124. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-1076 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. Nr. 456 - Affidavit of Juriaen Jansz concerning the sale of wet sugar by Garcia Gomes. 1611, January 23 Not. Arch. 453, fol. 28, Not. Palm Mathijsz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THEPORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 5, No. 2 (JULY 1971), pp. 219-245. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-1092 Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P. No. 3136 - Cornells Jacobsz from Buiksloot, 32 years old, makes the following statement at the request of Miguel de Pas, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam.1624, April 18.Not. Arch. 646B. p. 910-912; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz.En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã.Vol. 28, No. 2 (1994), pp. 204-215. Fuente impresa Comercio
IN-1336 RODRÍGUEZ, Manuel; ACUÑA, Cristóbal de; GONZÁLEZ DE REYES, Antonio El Marañon y Amazonas : historia de los descubrimientos, entradas, y reduccion de naciones, trabajos malogrados de algunos conquistadores, y dichosos de otros, assi temporales, como espirituales, en las dilatadas montañas, y mayores rios de la America Fuente impresa Militar, Misiones