Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P., Nr. 1770 - Pero Gomes de Lisboa, 25 years old, who used to live in Lisbon and is now sojourning in Amsterdam, makes the following statement at the request of Francisco Fernandes Castanho, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam. 1619, July 2. Not. Arch. 645A, p. 757; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 15, No. 1 (MARCH 1981), pp. 143-154.

Koen, E. M., and Lehmann Ruth P.
Nr. 1770 - Pero Gomes de Lisboa, 25 years old, who used to live in Lisbon and is now sojourning in Amsterdam, makes the following statement at the request of Francisco Fernandes Castanho, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam. 1619, July 2. Not. Arch. 645A, p. 757; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 15, No. 1 (MARCH 1981), pp. 143-154.
Datos de publicación: 

Nr. 1770 - Pero Gomes de Lisboa, 25 years old, who used to live in Lisbon and is now sojourning in
Amsterdam, makes the following statement at the request of Francisco Fernandes Castanho, Portuguese merchant in Amsterdam.
1619, July 2.
Not. Arch. 645A, p. 757; Not. Sibrant Cornelisz. En NOTARIAL RECORDS IN AMSTERDÃ RELATING TO THE PORTUGUESE JEWS. In: Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal for jewish literature and history in the Netherlands, University Library of Amesterdã. Vol. 15, No. 1 (MARCH 1981), pp. 143-154.

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